Just living together : implications of cohabitation on families, children, and social policy / edited by Alan Booth, Ann C. Crouter - Mahwah (N.J.) : Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002 - 289 p. : gràf., taules ; 25 cm - Pennsylvania State University family studies symposia series . - Pennsylvania State University family studies symposia series .

Originally published in 2002 under title: Just living together : implications of cohabitation on families, children, and social policy. "This edition published 2012 ... First issued in paperback 2013"--Title page verso. "The chapters in this volume are based on the presentations and discussions from a national symposium ... held at the Pennsylvania State University, October 30-31, 2000"--Page ix.

Inclou referències bibliogràfiques i índex.

pt. 1. What are the historical and cross-cultural foundations of cohabitation? ; Cohabitation in Western Europe : trends, issues, and implications / Kathleen Kiernan ; Contemporary cohabitation : food for thought / Nancy S. Landale ; (Re)envisioning cohabitation : a commentary on race, history, and culture / Andrea G. Hunter -- pt. 2. What is the role of cohabitation in contemporary North American family structure? ; Cohabitation in contemporary North America / Pamela J. Smock and Sanjiv Gupta ; What are the choices for low-income families? : cohabitation, marriage, and remaining single / Rukmalie Jayakody and Natasha Cabrera ; What mothers teach, what daughters learn : gender mistrust and self-sufficiency among low-income women / Rebekah Levine Coley ; The impact of cohabitation on the family life course in contemporary North America : insights from across the border / Céline Le Bourdais and Heather Juby -- pt. 3. What is the long- and short-term impact of cohabitation on child well-being? ; The implications of cohabitation for children's well-being / Wendy D. Manning ; Cohabitation and child development / Ariel Kalil ; Of fathers and pheromones : implications of cohabitation for daughters' pubertal timing / Bruce J. Ellis ; Child well-being in cohabiting families / Susan L. Brown -- pt. 4. How are cohabiting couples and their children affected by current policies? : what policies are needed for these individuals? ; Safety net programs, marriage, and cohabitation / Wendell E. Primus and Jennifer Beeson ; Federal social policy, cohabitation, and marriage / Ron Haskins ; The complexity of tax and transfer program rules regarding cohabitation : challenges and implications / Anne E. Winkler ; The economic rights and responsibilities of unmarried cohabitants / Margaret M. Mahoney ; What does it mean to be "just living together" in the new millennium? : an overview / Lynette F. Hoelter and Dawn E. Stauffer.

Based on the presentations and discussions from a national symposia, Just Living Together represents one of the first systematic efforts to focus on cohabitation. The book is divided into four parts, each dealing with a different aspect of cohabitation. Part I addresses the big picture question, "What are the historical and cross cultural foundations of cohabitation?" Part II focuses specifically on North America and asks, "What is the role of cohabitation in contemporary North American family structure?" Part III turns the focus to the question, "What is the long- and short-term impact of cohabitation on child well-being?" Part IV addresses how cohabiting couples are affected by current policies and what policy innovations could be introduced to support these couples. Providing a road map for future research, program development, and policymaking. Just Living Together will serve as an important resource for people interested in learning about variations in the ways families of today are choosing to organize themselves.


Cohabitació--Europa Occidental
Cohabitació--Estats Units d'Amèrica
Família--Europa Occidental
Família--Estats Units d'Amèrica

