The Indirect estimation of migration : methods for dealing with irregular, inadequate, and missing data / by Andrei Rogers, Jani Little, James Raymer
Por: ROGERS, Andrei [aut. ]
Colaborador(es): Little, Jani [ed. ]
| ROGERS, Andrei [ed. ]
| RAYMER, James [ed. ]
Tipo de material: 

Tipo de ítem | Ubicación actual | Signatura | Estado | Notas | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
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Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics | Migració-IND (Navegar estantería) | Prestado | Localització: Prestatgeria Migracions | 16.09.2021 | 009805 |
Navegando Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics Estantes Cerrar el navegador de estanterías
Migració(460.23)-CAB Catalunya serà impura o no serà / | Migració(46.6Bil)-GON(5) Las Ciudades mineras de la ría de Bilbao durante el boom minero : | Migració-HAT The age of mass migration : | Migració-IND The Indirect estimation of migration : | MigracióInterna-INT Internal migration in the developed world : | Migracions(4)-MIG Migration, mobility, and modernization / | Migracions(Ebre)-SAL Migraciones y movilidad social en el Valle del Ebro (ss. XVI-XVIII) |
Descripció del recurs: 29 maig 2014
Describing Age Structures of Migration -- Describing Spatial Structures of Migration -- Smoothing Age and Spatial Patterns -- Imposing Age and Spatial Patterns -- Inferring Age and Spatial Patterns -- Conclusion
"This unique book introduces an essential element in applied demographic analysis: a tool-kit for describing, smoothing, repairing and - in instances of totally missing data - inferring directional migration flows. Migration rates combine with fertility and mortality rates to shape the evolution of human populations. Demographers have found that all three generally exhibit persistent regularities in their age and spatial patterns, when changing levels are controlled for. Drawing on statistical descriptions of such regularities, it is often possible to improve the quality of the available data by smoothing irregular data, imposing the structures of borrowed and related data on unreliable data, and estimating missing data by indirect methods. Model migration schedules and log-linear models are presented as powerful methods for helping population researchers, historical demographers, geographers, and migration analysts work with the data available to them." -- Library of Congress
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