Centre d'Estudis DemogràficsCentre d'Estudis Demogràfics

Grass, Günter, 1927-2015

Partos mentales o Los alemanes se extinguen / Günter Grass ; traducción de Genoveva Dieterich - 2a ed. - Madrid : Alfaguara, 1999 - 163 p. ; 22 cm - (Alfaguara literaturas) . - Alfaguara Literaturas .

Premi Nobel de Literatura, 1999.

The journey to the future that Grass takes as he travels with his wife through China at the same time that his characters, Harm and Dorte, travel through India and Bali trying to decide if they should bear a child in a world threatened by the arms race, bloc politics, unemployment, etc., forms part of the author's internal.

Contingut en castellà.




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